Baby Eight: Her Story Begins

First, let’s get technical. Technically speaking, Baby 8 was a water baby, popular at that time, but not seen these days because of safety issues.

She was preceded by Baby 4, another water baby half her size and given to an older sister. Oh, yeah, Baby 8 belonged to our youngest daughter, well, youngest child. Youngest child, that is, until Baby 8 joined us.

As a side note, Baby 4 actually had no name. She may have been in the house prior to Baby 8, but our youngest named her sister’s doll after Baby 8 joined our family. Since Baby 4 was half the size, it seemed normal that she should be Baby 4.

But, it was Baby 8 who joined us on shopping trips, family travels, and even to church. She wasn’t just a doll… She was truly a member of the family.

Even in the family fan, sometimes the older siblings would grumble wondering why they had to sit in the far back while Baby 8 sat next to our youngest, in her own car seat. Well, said our youngest, because she is part of the family and since she is so little, she needs closer attention (or something like that, in three-year-old language).

Even if the image is not that of Baby 8, it represents Baby 8 for now. When Baby 8 returns (her mama is now off to college), we can give her a bath and take an appropriate photo for this article.

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How Baby 8 Got Her Name

Her mama was watching “Herbie” (affiliate link) with the family and asked about the number 5 and 3 on the car. When she learned that that was eight, she became quite taken with the #8. Of course, that should mean that her baby’s name would become Baby 8!

Stay tuned for more about Baby 8, true member of our family.

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